Did you ever want to crack open your bookkeeper’s brain like an avocado, and scoop out the delicious knowledge within?

Well forget it! We like our brains intact inside our noggins, thank you very much. We can, however, offer you the next big thing: a collection of the best bits of our blog over the past year.

When it comes to our blog, we try to imagine the challenges our clients face and create articles that can best help. Here are some of our best bookkeeping tips from the past year.

1. How long should you keep records in Canada?

It’s amazing how popular this article is! What do you need to keep, and for how long? The answer is: one month to 7 years! Check out thefull article here.

2. Have you had your morning smile? Make them laugh!

This article comes from Educational Moments series on how (and when) to use humour in a business setting (featuring our famed “accounting myths” campaign!). Check out the full article here.

3. Dorothy died and it wasn’t even sad

Dorothy”, our fictional stand-in for old-fashioned bookkeeping practices, was finally put to rest last year. Out with the old and in with modern bookkeeping practices, we say! If you missed Dorothy’s obituary and an overview of what it takes these days to NOT be a Dorothy, check out the full article here.

4. What happens if you’re audited by the CRA?

Oh, this is a scary one. Will you be blindfolded and put in a small room with a bright light? Will the Men In Black cart you away in handcuffs? Probably none of those things, but check out the full article here, just in case.

5. BREAKING NEWS: CRA Auditors Not Stupid, Have Figured Out “Cash Payments” Gambit

Another one of our most-read articles! If this topic applies to you, read the full article here, stat. Tax season will be here before you know it!

6. Always with the jokes!

One of our main goals when writing these articles is to inform and to give you a smile. For a collection of our best bookkeeper and accountant jokes, click here. Or, if you’d like to know why accountants make the best lovers (and who wouldn’t want to know this), click here.

Psst… Want to continue to see all our great content, including our best bookkeeping tips and, of course a few laughs, in the coming year? Follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn!
